Adopt The Blue
10,000 sites by 2025
What is Adopt The Blue?
The world’s largest network of underwater sites for conservation action.
PADI’s global network of 6,600 dive centers and resorts and more than 128,000 professional members worldwide will provide the backbone for Adopt The Blue. They will provide unprecedented scale and unmatched potential for participants to take direct action that will drive measurable conservation impact.
Our Strategy
Adopt the Blue provides multiple pathways for PADI operators, professionals, divers and other ocean enthusiasts to get actively involved in conservation at both the local and global level. PADI amplifies conservation efforts through cross-channel marketing, community grants, storytelling and strategic partnerships.

Local Action
- Participate in underwater citizen science
- Lobby and advocate local governments
- Support in-country projects and campaigns
- Volunteer for conservation events
Global Impact
- Network of 10,000 sites
- Ability to scale conservation work
- Economic voice at the international table
- Driven by a global movement of divers
寶珀:PADI 海洋行動藍圖官方合作夥伴及 PADI MPA (海洋保護區)計劃和 ADOPT THE BLUE™ “認領一抹藍”的創始合作夥伴
PADI 很榮幸能與寶珀攜手,在未來十年從根本上增加全球海洋保護區(MPA) 的數量。
寶珀和 PADI 將與全球各地的當地社區合作,加快海洋保護區的建立。 常年合作關係的核心是旗艦公民科學計劃 Adopt the Blue™“認領那抹藍”,其中 6,600 個註冊的 PADI 潛水中心和度假村將被激活,以開發地球上最大的海洋保護區網絡,使數百萬 PADI 休閒潛水員抓住一切機會積極參與海洋保育。
申請表填寫需要 3-5 分鐘,可以在 PADI AWARE 應用程序或網頁上找到。 只有 PADI 教練和潛水中心可以“認領那抹藍”。 未來,我們將為更廣泛的海洋愛好者社區提供行動。
我們將“認領那抹藍”視為服務於更廣泛的海洋保護運動的重要交付機制——創造規模和必要的基礎設施來推動當地的保護工作。 如果您想尋求項目或活動的支持,您可以通過 [email protected] 聯繫我們的工作人員。 將來,我們將為合作夥伴提供諮詢表。