Anambas Foundation
2022 PADI AWARE Grantee
Building a community of conservation through training Local Heroes and educating school children on coral restoration in Kiabu Village, Indonesia.
Anambas Foundation is educating and training Local Heroes so they have the skills and knowledge to rehabilitate and amangage marine ecosystems within Kiabu Village, in a project called Guardians of the Anambas Seas. Additionally, the Foundation uses resources to educate the next generation about marine conservation efforts and opportunities. The project not only creates local ocean stewards, but moves previous professionals within the ocean extraction industry to new green jobs.

Anambas Foundation, in Kiabu Village is influencing cultural change in support of Indonesia's marine environment through education of chilcdren and Local Heroes.
“I’ll be very proud to see the five Local Heroes become the conservation leaders in the village and more young people in Anambas make a living in the conservation sector,” said Novita Putri, Marine Conservation Program Manager.
Anambas Foundation uses PADI AWARE Foundation Funding to support its mission to rehabilitate and manage the marine ecosystems in the Village independently by teaching basic marine conservation to students from seven different schools. Additionally, the grant allows the Foundation to educate villagers in Kiabu Village on marine conservation so they can support projects and activities carried out by the Foundation such as rehabilitating 400 square meters of damaged coral ecosystems.
Novita Putri thinks the ocean is valuable, “Prior to the Guardians of the Anambas Seas, one of the Local Heroes was a fisher, and the other one used to collect coral rocks for constructions. This project has provided them with new green jobs.”
Want to see more of Anambas Foundation in action?
You can follow along with Anambas Foundation and the Guardians of the Anambas Seas Project on their website, Instagram, Facebook, or on https://www.padi.com/aware.