Big Bubble Dive Resort
2022 PADI AWARE Grantee
This grantee is committed to replanting native coral species through citizen science in Chalok Bay, Koh Tao, Thailand
Big Bubble Dive Resort on Koh Tao Island in Thailand is dedicated to the future of coral reefs. With their PADI AWARE Foundation Community Grant, they’re restoring corals and educating the community.

Divers who sign up with the shop will learn about the importance of coral reefs, the challenges they face, and the science behind coral restoration work. Then, they’ll have a chance to make a difference with their own two hands – as citizen-scientist divers.
“Coral Restoration/Big Bubble Dive Resort will replant native coral species through citizen science in Chalok Bay, Koh Tao,” Scuba Diving Magazine reported.
The reason behind this approach is clear. When Big Bubble’s team thinks of the ocean, they immediately remember coral reefs, the marine life that lives there, and their own lives said Pongphat Turasakul. Human life is fundamentally reliant upon a healthy reef and ocean. Therefore, in restoring the reef, the shop knows that they are also helping the local community and visitors to the island.
Success for the project will be measured by the rate of growth and survival of restored coral, Turasakul said. Looking years into the future, Turasakul’s team also hopes their work will help this area become suitable for diving or snorkeling.
These efforts are also “a case study for the future restoration of the reef,” Turasakul added. With success, future restoration projects could become more realistic.
Education is also a big component of the project because it allows the work to continue long after the dives have ended. Visitors who connect with the mission behind the coral restoration project will bring that back home with them and share it within their communities. In this way, support for coral reefs and more sustainable ways of living grows. This effect can ripple out far beyond the island.
“It will make us very proud and happy with our work if the project succeeds nicely,” Turasakul said. “And, it can benefit a lot of people. In addition, we hope we can continue this project in the near future.
Want to see more of Big Bubble Dive Resort in action?
You can follow along with Big Bubble Dive Resort and their coral restoration project on their website, Instagram, Facebook, or on https://www.padi.com/aware