REEFolution Foundation
2023 PADI AWARE Grantee
Empowering a local community to actively protect and expand coral reef restoration sites within a Kenyan marine reserve.
REEFolution Foundation is restoring coral in areas that have been negatively impacted by coral bleaching and unsustainable fishing practices. Through employing local Reef Rangers to restore coral reefs, deploying artificial reefs, monitoring biodiversity, and enforcing protection of a marine protected area, the Foundation plans to make a lasting positive impact.

By July 31, 2025, REEFolution aims to restore approximately 1500 square meters of degraded coral reef within the Diani-Chale National Marine Reserve in Kenya.
“Our love for the ocean and its delicate coral ecosystems led us to take action,” says REEFolution. “Thanks to a generous grant from PADI AWARE, we're already making positive changes. Our coral nursery area, currently holding over 1000 corals, is becoming a lively home for ocean creatures. Here, a school of batfish and trumpet fish have moved in, and a curious green sea turtle has made it a favorite hangout.”
Excitingly, the nursery is just the beginning of REEFolution’s research-based conservation and restoration efforts. Coral gradients have been installed “to monitor and analyze the survival rate of the corals. Through scientific observation, we aim to understand the dynamics of coral growth in varying underwater conditions.” Additionally, the Foundation plans to work collaboratively to ensure the protection of future restoration sites. “With the support of the Mwakamba Beach Management Unit (BMU), we aim to enforce a protected area within the Diani-Chale National Marine Reserve, ensuring the sustained success of our restoration efforts.”
This full scale approach further ensures continued success by educating community members and key stakeholders. “As we work towards creating environmental awareness among all BMU members, we envision a future where the local community takes ownership, actively protects the nursery area, and expands the coral reef restoration site within the marine reserve. We're planting the seeds for an alternative livelihood and a healthier ocean that will last for generations to come.”
Want to see more of REEFolution Foundation in action?
You can follow along with REEFolution Foundation on their website, Instagram, Facebook, or on https://www.padi.com/aware.