Tiburones y Rayas: Protección de Especies Vulnerables
Revertir la disminución de la población de las especies de tiburones que se encuentran comúnmente para el 2030.
La Amenaza y Nuestro Papel
Como principales depredadores, los tiburones ayudan a administrar ecosistemas oceánicos saludables, sin embargo, siguen siendo algunas de las especies más amenazadas pero subprotegidas de nuestro océano, con alrededor de 300 especies que enfrentan una mayor amenaza de extinción.
El turismo de tiburones y rayas es un componente esencial de las economías de muchos países, y presenta a la comunidad de buceo una oportunidad vital para impulsar e influir en la conservación. Con las principales amenazas provenientes de la sobrepesca y la pérdida de hábitat, los/as buceadores/as pueden encabezar los esfuerzos globales para combatir la disminución de tiburones y rayas a través de la ciencia ciudadana y la defensa.
Help save sharks by supporting the
Global Shark & Ray Census
To combat this ocean emergency, PADI AWARE is proud to introduce the Global Shark & Ray Census, a global citizen science program that aims to monitor shark and ray populations and to ensure they are protected from extinction. Both divers and non-divers will be able to collect sightings data on the species they encounter, or take part in monitoring sites to track population trends. The data will undergo rigorous scientific analysis and will be used to ensure vulnerable species of sharks and rays have adequate protection to ensure healthy populations.
Nuestra Estrategia
Revertir la disminución de la población de las especies de tiburones que se encuentran comúnmente para el 2030.
Acciones clave (1) Implementar 10 campañas en el país atractivas PADI Torchbearers™ para promover la conservación de tiburones y rayas para el 2023 (2) Lanzar un censo mundial de tiburones para recopilar información sobre las poblaciones de tiburones que los buceadores/as encuentran comúnmente

Protect what you love. Become an Ocean Torchbearer.
Join the community helping to protect global shark and ray populations.

Increased Protection Measures for Over 100 Species
Protecting sharks and rays is at the heart of PADI Aware Foundation's history and community. To date, we have collectively helped secure protection measures for over 100 vulnerable species ranging through policy changes such as agreed fishing limits to restrictions in unsustainable trade. PADI AWARE will continue to provide tangible actions to protect hundreds more with your help.
PADI Blueprint for Ocean Action:
Protect Vulnerable Species
PADI AWARE, with the support of the dive community, are in a unique position to drive forward essential conservation measures to help prevent shark and ray extinctions. Through our Blueprint for Ocean Action we can minimize population declines through restrictions on unregulated fishing, effective marine protected areas and monitoring the health of local shark and ray populations.

Blueprint Conservation Target and Strategy
Target: Reduce the number of species of sharks and rays threatened with extinction by 25% by 2030.
(1) Collaborate with locally based PADI operators and Ocean Torchbearers to protect native shark and ray populations.
(2) Launch the Global Shark & Ray Census to collect information on the populations of sharks and rays encountered by divers.

PADI Divers Come Together to Reach Landmark Win at CITES
Together with you - the amazing and passionate dive community - we have already helped to add 51 species of shark and ray to CITES, including the oceanic whitetip shark, smooth hammerhead shark and giant manta ray.

Brazil and South Africa Mako Campaign
“Mako sharks are particularly vulnerable to overfishing, especially in the North Atlantic, where we have seen populations decline severely. It is currently estimated that the shark population will take 50 years to fully recover if fishing bans were implemented today,” says Ian Campbell, Associate Director, Policy and Campaigns of PADI AWARE Foundation. “By working directly with PADI Members to raise awareness of the issue with the diving community, we aim to encourage governmental support of mako shark protections in the Atlantic.”