Education Hero





Instructor and Student Card

作為一名合格的潛水夫,您將與有趣的動物深度互動,探索充滿異國情調的目的地,書寫神奇故事並與夥伴們分享。 入門易如反掌。 線上報名,只需幾天就能完成水中訓練。


探索 PADI 認證等級

已經是合格的潛水夫了嗎? 恭喜! 一段激動人心的旅程就在前方。 無論您是想憑藉 Advanced Open Water Diver(進階開放水域潛水夫)證書踏入更多潛水地點、提高技能,還是想學習水下攝影、攝像、魚類識別等,我們都有適合您的課程。


化激情為實踐! 作為 PADI Divemaster 或 Instructor,您可以一邊環遊世界,一邊賺得盆滿缽滿,或者您也可以選擇留在一個地方,成為當地的潛水專家。 無論您是在潛水館、度假村還是在船宿公司工作,您都會得到豐厚的回報和報酬,然後盡情去做您喜歡的事情。











PADI eLearning® 的不同之處

無論您是想學習水肺潛水,還是想繼續接受教育,PADI 的數位水肺潛水課程都是您的最佳選擇。 您可以透過您的電腦或行動裝置,按照自己的節奏線上或離線學習。 做好 準備後,開始安排水中訓練。



尋求冒險。 拯救海洋。℠

PADI 的使命就是打造十億名火炬手,積極探索並保護我們的蔚藍海洋。 身為一個深切關懷海面之上及海底世界復原的群體,PADI 火炬手們滿懷熱忱,紛紛為保護海洋付諸行動,鼓舞其他人做出富有意義的改變。




閱讀 PADI Diver 鼓舞人心的故事、水肺潛水技巧等。

Diver Over Coral


Diver Surrounded by Fish Card
11 條關於海洋的勵志名言

PADI Diver 分享他們最愛的關於海洋保護的名言。

Boat gear set up card


How long does a PADI course take?

PADI certification courses are flexible and performance based. Knowledge development or eLearning can be completed at your own pace. PADI dive shops offer a variety of dive training schedules depending on how fast you progress. For new divers, the average time frame for Open Water Diver scuba certification is 3-5 days.

How much does a PADI course cost?

Interested in learning to dive or advancing your dive skills? The average cost to obtain your PADI certification will vary by dive course and location. Learn about your PADI dive certification options in this step-by-step breakdown:

All dive certifications require knowledge development and in-water training. After completing your PADI eLearning, you will begin your in-water training with your chosen Dive Shop. Please contact your Dive Shop directly for pricing as costs may vary by location. Notify your Dive Shop if you have already purchased your eLearning.

New Diver: You will want to begin with Open Water Diver. The knowledge portion of your dive training or eLearning costs around $230 USD. After you complete your eLearning, you will begin your in-water training with your chosen Dive Shop.

Continuing Education: After achieving your Open Water Diver certification, you can continue your dive journey with specialty courses to expand your underwater exploration skills and increase your bottom time, learn dive rescue and safety skills, ocean stewardship, underwater photography, or even how to become a dive equipment specialist. Pricing varies by course. Contact your chosen dive shop for in-water training costs. Learn more about continuing education courses.

Professional: Travel the world and get paid to do what you love or share your dive knowledge locally. As a PADI Divemaster or PADI Instructor, you’ll learn how to lead dives and help others with their dive education. Learn more about becoming a PADI Pro.

Is the PADI course hard?

Learning to dive is an exciting and challenging experience. With PADI eLearning you can read, watch videos, and take quizzes at your own pace to achieve the dive knowledge and fundamentals required to confidently advance to your in-water training. An experienced PADI Instructor will help you every step of the way during your training to become a safe and competent diver.

Do PADI licenses expire?

No, your scuba diving certification is for life! However, diving regularly is highly recommended to maintain your dive skills and knowledge. Try to avoid long periods without diving (6 months or longer). If you haven’t been scuba diving recently, you should take the PADI Reactivate Scuba Refresher.

PADI certification age?

10 years old is the minimum PADI certification age in most areas. Student divers younger than 15 earn the PADI Junior Open Water Diver certification, which can be upgraded to PADI Open Water Diver certification at age 15. Children under 13 require parent or guardian permission to register for PADI eLearning.

Operational status of PADI training?

​​The PADI app is a convenient way to access your dive certification details, log dives, find dive shops, eLearning courses, special offers, and more.