PADI Open Water Diver (開放水域潛水員是第)一個水肺潛水認證級別。一位訓練有素的 PADI 教練將教你如何在輕鬆的輔助學習環境中進行水肺潛水。

PADI eLearning®
PADI eLearning線上學習可以讓你很容易地在繁忙的日程中安排潛水課程。在你方便的時候,隨時隨地完成你課程中的知識發展部分
- 保證你的 eLearning 學習時間: 5-10 個小時

- 先決條件: 會游泳;潛水體檢合格
- 承諾的總時間: 4-7 天
- 最低年齡: 10嵗或以上
- 深度: 預期在較淺的深度潛水(12公尺/40英呎),最大可允許深度 18公尺/60英呎。
Begin a lifetime of discovery.
Join the world's largest dive community.
The PADI Difference
For over 50 years, PADI has undeniably been the Way the World Learns to Dive®, setting the standard for the highest quality dive training, underwater safety and conservation initiatives while evolving the sport of diving into a passionate lifestyle.
(and counting) PADI certified divers to date!
PADI dive centers and resorts across the globe
PADI Professional members worldwide
Begin a lifetime of discovery.
Join the world's largest dive community.
想分享經驗或送一份無止境探險的禮物嗎? 您可以立即購買 PADI eLearning®,並與您選擇的收件人分享-這非常簡單。 無論您是作為禮物購買課程還是需要將其分配給家庭成員,都非常簡單。
- 一旦您購買了您的在線學習課程,登錄到您的 PADI 賬戶訪問課程。
- 在控制面板中,轉到學生詳細信息並管理您的課程。
- 您可以決定自己開始線上學習或“分享課程”。
- 要共享課程,只需單擊“共享課程”並輸入您希望與之共享課程的收件人的電子郵件地址。
- 收件人將收到一封電子郵件,用於創建或登錄其 PADI 帳戶以開始課程。
水肺潛水要求最低程度的健康和身體素質良好。 如果存在慢性健康不良狀況,食用某些藥物和/或近期手術可能需要你在潛水前獲得醫生的書面批准。
為避免失望,請下載並查看潛水員醫療健康調查表 Diver Medical From,以確保在註冊水肺課程之前不需要獲得醫生的批准就能潛水。 教練,潛水長和潛店工作人員不是醫師,不應徵求他們的醫療意見; 只有醫療專業人員才能提供醫療許可以潛水。
如果你(或你的醫生)對潛水的健康狀況有疑問,請與Divers Alert Network(DAN)的專家聯繫。
課程先決條件: 可以游泳,身體健康適合潛水,在水中沒有不舒服
- 在無輔助物的情況下漂浮或踩水10分鐘
- 在沒有説明的情況下游泳200公尺/碼,或者戴著面鏡、腳蹼和呼吸管游泳300公尺/碼。
最低年齡: 10歲
持有青少年開放水域潛水員證書的潛水員將在15歲時自動成為開放水域潛水員。在潛水員15歲生日後的第二天購買的任何替換證書卡或電子卡將自動顯示為開放水域潛水員(而非青少年開放水域潛水員) 認證。
8歲或以上的兒童可以嘗試在游泳池(或類似游泳池的環境) 潛水。詢問您的 PADI 潛水中心關於泡泡小勇士體驗或生日派對。在水中感到舒適的兒童可以參加 PADI 海豹隊課程,這是一個多天的泳池潛水體驗。
認證包括三個部分:知識發展,技巧實踐和開放水域潛水。 你可以在本地,休假時或在兩者之間自行組合完成這三個部分。
- 支持你當地的潛水社區
- 遇到你當地的潛水夥伴
- 瞭解你當地的生態系統
- 計畫去一個潛水目的地度假
- 喜歡在旅行時認識新朋友
- 在度假期間有時間完成你的課程
如果你還沒有準備好在本地嘗試潛水,但是想要支持本地的潛水商店,你可以在家附近完成eLearning線上學習和部分課程,然後在旅行時完成剩下的課程。聯繫當地的 PADI 潛店,詢問關於開放水域轉介紹。
提示:旅行前完成 PADI Open Water eLearning 開放水域線上學習,以節省你在度假時的學習時間。
本課程需要知識發展和水中培訓才能獲得認證。 當你從我們的網站購買 PADI eLearning 電子學習教材時,費用僅涵蓋知識發展部分。
和 PADI 教練完成認證需要支付額外費用。具體費用取決於班級規模、環境以及是否需要租用潛水裝備。
- 大多數潛店要求學生準備自己的面鏡、腳蹼和呼吸管。如果你已經有了面鏡、呼吸管和腳蹼,在第一次下水前先把它們拿給你的教練。有些浮潛面鏡和腳蹼不適用於水肺潛水。
- 基本的水肺潛水裝備,包括調節器、浮力控制裝置(BCD)、潛水電腦和壓縮氣瓶,可能包括也可能不包括在潛水訓練的費用中。
- 根據潛水環境的不同,您可能還需要購買或租用潛水服(濕式潛水衣或乾式防寒衣)
聯繫 PADI 潛水中心或度假村獲取更多資訊和價格。
PADI 的在線課程最好在下列瀏覽器中使用。 為了獲得最佳體驗,請確保你的瀏覽器是最新版本的。
- Chrome
- Safari
- Edge
- Firefox
如果您打算去沒有互聯網的地方,請使用 PADI Training 應用程序下載課程內容並離線學習。 內容可以分成每個單元下載,總文件大小約為 1.10 GB。 當您重新上線時,上傳您的學習進度,這樣您就可以從中斷的地方繼續您的訓練。
PADI Training 應用程序適用於 Android™ 和 Apple® iOS 設備。 為了獲得最佳的學習體驗,設備的型號不能太舊超過3代比如,並且應該運行最新的操作系統。
與你的 PADI 教練一起體驗新的探險。 PADI 繼續教育課程(如進階開放水域潛水員和深潛潛水員)將幫助你發展作為潛水員的技巧。瞭解有關 PADI 專長課程的更多資訊。
- 在嘗試沉船潛水,夜潛或數位水底攝影等新的活動的同時,提高導航和浮力控制的能力
- 從20多個專長潛水選項中進行選擇
- 進階開放水域潛水員證書同時也是去往更深(超過18公尺/60f英呎)潛點通行證
如果你連續六個月(或更長時間)都沒有機會潛水,則可以參加 PADI 再激活課程快速複習在開放水域課程中學習的知識和技巧。你的 PADI 認證永遠不會過期,但是在長時間不潛水之後,不妨複習下潛水的基本知識和安全程序。
與你的 PADI 潛水中心或度假村聯繫以獲取更多資訊。
Open Water Diver FAQs
The average cost to obtain your PADI certification will vary by dive course and location.
An Open Water Diver certification requires knowledge development and in-water training. PADI eLearning costs around $230 USD. After you complete this you will begin your in-water training with your chosen Dive Shop at an additional cost. Please contact your Dive Shop directly for pricing as costs may vary by location. If you have already purchased your eLearning, please be sure to inform your Dive Shop.
Anyone age 10 years and older can learn to dive and explore the underwater world. PADI knowledge development provides the fundamentals you need to confidently advance to your in-water dive training. With PADI eLearning you can read, watch videos, and take quizzes at your own pace before moving on to the next step. During in-water training, an experienced PADI Instructor will help you learn the necessary dive skills to become a safe and competent diver. Find out the benefits of underwater connection with your PADI Open Water Diver certification!
PADI is the world’s largest scuba diving training organization and the most widely recognized dive certification in the world, with 30,000,000 PADI certified divers and counting. PADI sets the standard for the highest quality dive training, underwater safety and conservation initiatives while promoting the benefits of underwater connection. With PADI eLearning you can study at your own pace to achieve the dive knowledge and fundamentals required to confidently advance to your in-water training. With over 6,600 PADI Dive Centers and resorts across the globe and 128,000 PADI Professionals worldwide it’s easy to complete your dive training.
Your scuba diving certification is for life! However, diving regularly is highly recommended to maintain your dive skills and knowledge. Try to avoid long periods without diving (6 months or longer). If you haven’t been scuba diving recently, you should take the PADI Reactivate Scuba Refresher.
After learning basic diving skills in confined water (a pool or pool-like environment), you and your PADI Dive Instructor will make four open water dives, usually over two days. On these dives you'll get to apply the dive skills you learned in confined water and explore the underwater world.
With a PADI scuba diving certification, you can explore the underwater world, experience amazing marine wildlife and learn how to protect our blue planet. With a PADI Open Water Diver certification, you can dive anywhere in the world up to 18m/60ft, book dive excursions with boats or resorts, get air fills and rent scuba tanks, rent scuba gear, and meet fellow ocean lovers from the world’s largest diver community.
PADI dive education and dive certifications fall under recreational diving or professional diving: Beginner, Continuing Education and Professional.
Beginner: PADI Open Water Diver is the first dive certification. By the end of this course, you’ll be able to dive at home or abroad up to 18m/60ft.
Continuing Education: Expand your knowledge and dive skills after you’re Open Water Diver certified. ConEd dive courses prepare you to explore the underwater world at greater depths, extend your bottom time, discover your unique diving aptitude, and become a better dive buddy. Explore continuing education courses.
Professional: As a PADI Divemaster or PADI Instructor, you’ll learn how to lead dives and help others with their dive education. Explore PADI Pro courses.
Beginner: PADI Open Water Diver is the world’s most popular and widely-recognized scuba diving certification. This is where you will want to begin if you are new to diving. You can become a certified diver in as little as four days, or over the course of a year. With PADI Open Water Diver you can dive anywhere in the world up to 18m/60ft.
Specialty Courses or Continuing Education: Many divers take PADI Specialty Courses to advance their dive skills and become a better dive buddy, improve buoyancy and underwater navigation, dive deeper and extend bottom time, learn how to take underwater photos, explore wrecks and much more. Many PADI Specialty Courses require Advanced Open Water Diver Certification as a prerequisite. Explore all continuing education courses.
Professional: With a professional scuba certification you can travel the world and get paid to do what you love or share your dive knowledge locally. As a PADI Divemaster or PADI Instructor, you’ll learn how to lead dives and help others with their dive education. Explore PADI Pro courses.
PADI Open Water Diver is the world’s most popular and widely-recognized scuba diving certification. You can become a certified diver in as little as four days, or over the course of a year. Once certified you can dive anywhere in the world with a partner (without professional supervision), get air fills or rent scuba tanks, rent scuba gear, book dive excursions with dive boats and resorts, and call yourself a PADI-certified diver.
To complete your scuba diving certification, you must swim 200 metres/219yards (or 300 metres/328 yards in mask, fins and snorkel) without stopping, and float/tread water for 10 minutes, using any swimming methods you want. There is no time limit.
我們熱愛潛水,期待和您一起探索奇遇!訂閱郵件即可接收關於潛水度假勝地,PADI 課程, 產品,活動邀請,以及海洋環保等精彩內容及資訊(郵件不會太頻繁的),現在訂閱,您還能享受一門 eLearning 潛水課程的九折優惠*!